Friday, October 10, 2008


I heart Heart even more now

This is real. Click on the realness to enlarge and read them reading McChoad.

Thanks to gree c for her excellent research in the field.
You just don't know how much I have always loved these lovely ladies!! I saw them in concert and up until recently I owned a sweatshirt with a big heart on it and their faces inside--it disintegrated from age and wear. THEY ARE EVEN MORE FUCKING AWESOME NOW!!!!
Thanks for posting.
Yes, I agree. Hi, everyone! I wish I had fingers on my flippers so I could type more, but you can fill my love, right? On a related note, this expands what Cap'n is sayin about Hart :

Sorry, I don't know how to make this a link.
Hello to my friends who I miss dearly
Seamonkey thank you for taking the time to type the Midori-san info one flipper at a time.
I've been wondering what houseplant would post first.
I've just ordered a 6 cd speed reading in japanese set to help understand Midori-san. I've been looking forward to new world powers emerging but this adds a whole other unforeseen dimension. Thanks again SeaMonkey for the fauna and flora field work.
Capt'n yes it is true "trollop faced cunt" is a quote by McCain. It was a response to Cindy mentioning to him that his hair was thinning and he apparently
said at least I'm not a tro...cunt who has to pile on makeup...something like that. There is a true or false quiz in one of the last two New Yorkers of horrifying quotes which of course turn out to be all true. Makse you wonder what would happen if Angela Merkel mentioned something about McCain's thinning hairline I guess then we'd have to go to war with Germany or something.
Thanks for posting this and thanks to my friend Bruce M for sending it to me. Thank you Bruce for sitting in a supermarket parking lot in southwest Virginia for 12 days registering voters and answering horrifying questions.
SeaMonkey is an ass. Cap'n, I remarked on this post of yours, then sent you the SAME THING (Heart) TODAY! What is problem with mind? Am I demoted to Team Philosopher again?
Yeah, go to your corner on top of the mountain and think about what you did. Ps. love the pix of scared rabbit prop from excellent video shoot starring SM69. Will send you footage very soon, and I mean that. Just have gotten a little derailed by various things, you know how that is.
Also: love being privy to the thoughts & fillins of Midori-san, thanks for that.
Celeb spottings of late: Drew Barrymore, Chloe Savigny, the guy from that cable show Gay as Shit, Phil Donahue, and of course, Ann Magnuson.

I have knee-jerk hatred for any show with parenthesis, or worse the dreaded square brackets. Consider a self portrait called “t[i]tle”. Filled with rage yet? You should be.
joe mckay // 19 Oct 2008, 10:13 pm
# Your comment is awaiting moderation.

Considering a self portrait called “t[i]tle”.
“t[i]tle” // 20 Oct 2008, 7:30 am
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Thanks to gree c for her excellent research in the field.

By Blogger The Capt'n, at 3:03 PM  

You just don't know how much I have always loved these lovely ladies!! I saw them in concert and up until recently I owned a sweatshirt with a big heart on it and their faces inside--it disintegrated from age and wear. THEY ARE EVEN MORE FUCKING AWESOME NOW!!!!
Thanks for posting.

By Anonymous Anonymous, at 7:44 PM  

Yes, I agree. Hi, everyone! I wish I had fingers on my flippers so I could type more, but you can fill my love, right? On a related note, this expands what Cap'n is sayin about Hart :

Sorry, I don't know how to make this a link.

By Blogger Laurie Weeks, at 8:34 AM  

Hello to my friends who I miss dearly
Seamonkey thank you for taking the time to type the Midori-san info one flipper at a time.
I've been wondering what houseplant would post first.
I've just ordered a 6 cd speed reading in japanese set to help understand Midori-san. I've been looking forward to new world powers emerging but this adds a whole other unforeseen dimension. Thanks again SeaMonkey for the fauna and flora field work.
Capt'n yes it is true "trollop faced cunt" is a quote by McCain. It was a response to Cindy mentioning to him that his hair was thinning and he apparently
said at least I'm not a tro...cunt who has to pile on makeup...something like that. There is a true or false quiz in one of the last two New Yorkers of horrifying quotes which of course turn out to be all true. Makse you wonder what would happen if Angela Merkel mentioned something about McCain's thinning hairline I guess then we'd have to go to war with Germany or something.
Thanks for posting this and thanks to my friend Bruce M for sending it to me. Thank you Bruce for sitting in a supermarket parking lot in southwest Virginia for 12 days registering voters and answering horrifying questions.

By Anonymous Anonymous, at 6:17 AM  

SeaMonkey is an ass. Cap'n, I remarked on this post of yours, then sent you the SAME THING (Heart) TODAY! What is problem with mind? Am I demoted to Team Philosopher again?

By Blogger Laurie Weeks, at 7:12 PM  

Yeah, go to your corner on top of the mountain and think about what you did. Ps. love the pix of scared rabbit prop from excellent video shoot starring SM69. Will send you footage very soon, and I mean that. Just have gotten a little derailed by various things, you know how that is.
Also: love being privy to the thoughts & fillins of Midori-san, thanks for that.
Celeb spottings of late: Drew Barrymore, Chloe Savigny, the guy from that cable show Gay as Shit, Phil Donahue, and of course, Ann Magnuson.

By Blogger The Capt'n, at 9:05 AM  


I have knee-jerk hatred for any show with parenthesis, or worse the dreaded square brackets. Consider a self portrait called “t[i]tle”. Filled with rage yet? You should be.
joe mckay // 19 Oct 2008, 10:13 pm
# Your comment is awaiting moderation.

Considering a self portrait called “t[i]tle”.
“t[i]tle” // 20 Oct 2008, 7:30 am

By Anonymous Anonymous, at 5:52 AM  

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