Friday, August 03, 2007


The Self is Overrated

and yet it must do a whole megalomaniac post about itself.

What follows are the results of our very first try at surf photography. When I say "our," I mean my friend, Rob Fatal's first try, since he did all of the actual work, plus it was his idea. The other thing you should know is that this is not an easy thing to do. Rob bought himself some special flippers and was out there trying to be in position but not in the way, treading water with flippers only while holding the camera and getting smacked in the face by the waves. Just saying.

Figure 1 (a)-->
The self unfurling it's larger than life phallic symbol, The Green Rocket.

Figure 1 (b):-->
Kristie and the self heading out into the uninspiring, dumpy beach break of Santa Monica.

Waiting for nothing.

Since losing our Team Philosopher, Sea Monkey, to New York, things have been qualitatively barren. Here we see the self making a choady attempt at waxing poetic for the youth of today.
Kristie's thought bubble: "What a blowhard."

Stop talking and charge it, choad!

Sometimes the self has to choose between pulling back and not getting dumped by a pitching closeout, or to risk a slim chance at happiness. Note the excellent positioning of our cameraman.

"Unencumbered by technique."

The self looks left and prepares to turn into the open face of the soon-to-be closing out wave.

Openly resenting the whitewater, the self wonders why it didn't drag the people down to San Onofre instead.

A+ and thanks goes to Rob Fatal!
I think he has lots of good pictures of Kristie on his myspace thing.
I am unencumbered by your Self.

those are beautiful pitchers. really.
Thanks, Gay. Really not bad for a first try, huh?
Wow! So beautiful Capt'n. Aside from these being pics of a beautiful person doing something she loves to do...they are great shots! Makes me wanna surf something other than the internets.
I happened upon what seemed like an awful show last night called CURL GIRLS. Have you heard of it? Lesbian surfers and their relationship problems. It's the relationship part that makes it so awful.
Hi sweet peeds, that's real nice of you. Perhaps some day you'll join us out there...?
Regarding "Curl Girls," I have about 2% interest at best. Somebody showed me a clip on her ipod or something, and I was so bored by the trashiness and boringness of the characters that i couldn't even finish watching the short clip.
We went out to this "lesbian" club last night in West Hollywood, and oi vey is mir, I felt very east side among those hairdo's. It was sort of L word meets Curl Girls meets I can't even finish this sentence. The west side of LA is really deeply weird, can I just say?
Awesome Dagger.
Get ready because I'm coming to LA. No, I'm not kidding.
Ahoy, mi chica! It's Fatalbot! Holy crap, these f'in photos seem so cool when you put em in context. Not bad at all for our first try right!? And the green rockect...teehehe, I just snorted while laughing. This winter we should do more, the water might not be all fugly green and crumbly this time..werd! <3 -rob fatal
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A+ and thanks goes to Rob Fatal!
I think he has lots of good pictures of Kristie on his myspace thing.

By Blogger The Capt'n, at 10:59 AM  

I am unencumbered by your Self.

those are beautiful pitchers. really.

By Anonymous Anonymous, at 2:33 PM  

Thanks, Gay. Really not bad for a first try, huh?

By Blogger The Capt'n, at 4:04 PM  

Wow! So beautiful Capt'n. Aside from these being pics of a beautiful person doing something she loves to do...they are great shots! Makes me wanna surf something other than the internets.
I happened upon what seemed like an awful show last night called CURL GIRLS. Have you heard of it? Lesbian surfers and their relationship problems. It's the relationship part that makes it so awful.

By Anonymous Anonymous, at 9:49 AM  

Hi sweet peeds, that's real nice of you. Perhaps some day you'll join us out there...?
Regarding "Curl Girls," I have about 2% interest at best. Somebody showed me a clip on her ipod or something, and I was so bored by the trashiness and boringness of the characters that i couldn't even finish watching the short clip.
We went out to this "lesbian" club last night in West Hollywood, and oi vey is mir, I felt very east side among those hairdo's. It was sort of L word meets Curl Girls meets I can't even finish this sentence. The west side of LA is really deeply weird, can I just say?

By Blogger The Capt'n, at 11:31 AM  

Awesome Dagger.
Get ready because I'm coming to LA. No, I'm not kidding.

By Blogger ZS, at 5:42 PM  

Ahoy, mi chica! It's Fatalbot! Holy crap, these f'in photos seem so cool when you put em in context. Not bad at all for our first try right!? And the green rockect...teehehe, I just snorted while laughing. This winter we should do more, the water might not be all fugly green and crumbly this time..werd! <3 -rob fatal

By Anonymous Anonymous, at 4:14 PM  

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