Sunday, June 17, 2007
Is society picking up what Sea Monkey has been putting down for like ten million years?
If you end up with a subaru, can we cover it with rainbow decals and Bumperstickers that say stuff like "Marriage is so Gay!" and "Xena Rules!"
Apparently the coffee hasn't kicked in yet cuz I got no vocab to describe the sensacionés de DELIGHT what is coursing through my body right now. Kudos, Cap'n, kudos, my brover.
WHAT IS GOING ON AROUND HERE?! Who's buying a car? How's the surfing, Cap'n?!
I repeat: What is going ONNNNN?!
Seamonkey, the water suddenly got warm, btw. The dolphins continue to gambol wildly and close by, and the Snow Pony and I languish ever on without you.
Tell me all about love in the beeg city. How's your foxy lady? Are you taking what they're giving 'cause you're working for a living? Will you ever read this? Why am I not texting to you instead? There are my questions.
My name is Gaylord,
I live on the second floor,
I live upstairs from you,
yes I think you've seen me before.
Capt'n, I already have a volva, Mary. And girl that thing is busted after it's cross cuntry trip. Subaru ownership is imminent. Corns, I'm thinking I'll get the Well-behaved womyn rarely make history bumpersticker and rainbow sticker with FAMILY on it.and some merrell shoes.
More about dolphins please!
but what about the return of SEaMonkey or is it really her
anyone notice that she suddenly shows up right before the "invasion"
Capt'n I'd say you better give her some kind of special undeniable, identifyable quiz
but if it is you Sea-sounds like you've been up to all good love to you my friend
Capt'n after reading the sunday paper I decided I have to go to Israel with you two -call me 50 times
Gay -I just ordered you a collapsable dog bowl to go with your new everything
Gree c, get your mind around it or whatever because there is no way you're not coming. How can Juli's family travel now without you?
Gay, I seen your vulva, Mary, and I'm surprised she's made it this far. I mean your car.
Corny, don't hate me for loving you, even though you'll totally hate yourself for leaving me.
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Haaaay Mary! Thanks for the good news! i will turn my nose up when Bush declares an alien invasion. Sounds like whoever put that in yer box was also psychic enough to know you would be receptive. Talk about receptive, I am in the Sikh cafe having a chai (no food, it's disgusting vegan fare- sawdust variety). There is a young hippy couple talking about putting good energy into their meals. I should've given them this letter. I must go and look at a subaru stationwagon that my mother-in-law is pushing on us...I've tried to explain stereotypes, etc. she's not hearing me. sigh. All Hail the Team!
By 11:27 AM
, atTell her you're holding out for the volvo, Gay.
By The Capt'n, at 12:37 PM
Or the Lamborghini.
If you end up with a subaru, can we cover it with rainbow decals and Bumperstickers that say stuff like "Marriage is so Gay!" and "Xena Rules!"
That's the craziest ass merde I ever saw, G! What is up with that? I must have it to frame! I'm drinking coffee! Sorry it took me so long to get over here to appreciate the exciting developments that've taken place on my team and for my Cap'n since I WENT TO PARIS.
Apparently the coffee hasn't kicked in yet cuz I got no vocab to describe the sensacionés de DELIGHT what is coursing through my body right now. Kudos, Cap'n, kudos, my brover.
By 8:07 AM
, at
I been away so long I can't remember who anyone is. Is Gandi Gree C? Who's Gay, so Gay?
WHAT IS GOING ON AROUND HERE?! Who's buying a car? How's the surfing, Cap'n?!
I repeat: What is going ONNNNN?!
By 8:11 AM
, at
Gay is the excellent Gaylord, babe, you know her, and Gandi is Gree c's lesbian lover. She is also an excellent painter and new, auxiliary member of the Team, ever since we shredded up the coast of North Carolina.
Seamonkey, the water suddenly got warm, btw. The dolphins continue to gambol wildly and close by, and the Snow Pony and I languish ever on without you.
Tell me all about love in the beeg city. How's your foxy lady? Are you taking what they're giving 'cause you're working for a living? Will you ever read this? Why am I not texting to you instead? There are my questions.
By The Capt'n, at 10:20 AM
My name is Gaylord,
I live on the second floor,
I live upstairs from you,
yes I think you've seen me before.
Capt'n, I already have a volva, Mary. And girl that thing is busted after it's cross cuntry trip. Subaru ownership is imminent. Corns, I'm thinking I'll get the Well-behaved womyn rarely make history bumpersticker and rainbow sticker with FAMILY on it.and some merrell shoes.
More about dolphins please!
By 1:20 PM
, at
I know I'm days behind as usual
but what about the return of SEaMonkey or is it really her
anyone notice that she suddenly shows up right before the "invasion"
Capt'n I'd say you better give her some kind of special undeniable, identifyable quiz
but if it is you Sea-sounds like you've been up to all good love to you my friend
Capt'n after reading the sunday paper I decided I have to go to Israel with you two -call me 50 times
Gay -I just ordered you a collapsable dog bowl to go with your new everything
By 7:23 PM
, atThis comment has been removed by the author.
By Juliana Snapper, at 10:41 PM
Wow. Just wow. I don't know Capt'n, but that letter rivals any that I get at the beige.
I miss you!
By 12:29 PM
, at
Peeds, I totally thought of you when I got it. Crazypants.
Gree c, get your mind around it or whatever because there is no way you're not coming. How can Juli's family travel now without you?
Gay, I seen your vulva, Mary, and I'm surprised she's made it this far. I mean your car.
Corny, don't hate me for loving you, even though you'll totally hate yourself for leaving me.
By The Capt'n, at 10:44 PM
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