Sunday, February 11, 2007
Actually, that is too sad. Pets are such loyal friends, you know?
ps- can't wait to hang. soooo cold here. thongs are ready for surf cheering wear.
just look at her hands and her jaw. Now, go check the other photos of her. Notice she's kinda built like a rugby player. Look at her stance. She's ready to rumble. Not that all butches are fighting rugby players, but...dude look like a lady, you know what I'm saying?
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Since her baby left her, she'll hafta find a new place to dwell--maybe heartbreak hotel (Beverly Hills branch).
Actually, that is too sad. Pets are such loyal friends, you know?
By 4:19 AM
, atBy the the last post. The lead singer IS Pinky Tuscadero.
By 4:21 AM
, atWhat ever happened to Leather Tuscadero?
By 7:37 AM
, atI'm fascinated by the butch in a dress syndrome.
By The Capt'n, at 9:58 AM
yup, Pink is the white lady version of Queen Latifah. Butch in dress. But Pink isn't H-O-T-T lika da Queen. Her poor little dog though. sigh. sad.
I know. I feel bad about lil' doggy.
By The Capt'n, at 4:33 PM
oh, one other thought on the butch subject...i've never thought Pink looked like a butch in a dress until this photo- am i misguided? is it painfully obvious and i've missed it? you tell me please, Capt'n.
ps- can't wait to hang. soooo cold here. thongs are ready for surf cheering wear.
Dear Gay,
just look at her hands and her jaw. Now, go check the other photos of her. Notice she's kinda built like a rugby player. Look at her stance. She's ready to rumble. Not that all butches are fighting rugby players, but...dude look like a lady, you know what I'm saying?
By The Capt'n, at 10:25 AM
Btw, can't wait to see you in your thong.
By The Capt'n, at 10:26 AM
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