Tuesday, February 06, 2007
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what should I do with myself?
By 10:11 AM
, atThere is a vague sadness under the calm.
By 10:12 AM
, atI know - you can stick a knife in your head. That is what I am planning to do to soothe the aches of the mind and body - replace them with newer more urgent aches. It may not be what you consider fun but still, it is something. Please see my blog for advice on post-head-wound trauma. I do not go into detail but my advice should get you started on the track to action if not fun. Please initiate the cycle of self-harm and self-soothe with me today.
By Mountain Man, at 5:47 AM
Mountain Man, thank you for this, you are quite the idea man. I'm running out right now to West Hollywood LA Fitness to get some flesh spackle. I see a lot of head stabbing in my future, and I don't think my ass spackle will quite cut it.
By The Capt'n, at 9:36 AM
My outlook has improved just thinking about this. Thanks!
By The Capt'n, at 9:37 AM
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