Sunday, May 14, 2006


Capt'n! I must say that I have learned so much from your post. I must watch again when I have my notebook and pen, ready for notes.
you were the most fun dance partner ever sorry I sweat all over everyone
Capt'n as usual look around you was sorta great sorta G R O S S and a nice wrap up with the kids-on-a-stick on the gameshow I love when kids look like someone just gave them acid
I'm calling you 50 times about july/august/sept.
I love you the most
GREE C! No, you were theeee best dance partner! I pretty much gave up after you left, with the exception of a hilarious chair dancing session with Corny. We were too tired to actually move our legs, so someone rolled us around on the dance floor as we moved are arms.

We must do it again soon.
OOPS! I mean OUR arms. I am slowly getting worse with the writing tonight.
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Capt'n! I must say that I have learned so much from your post. I must watch again when I have my notebook and pen, ready for notes.

By Anonymous Anonymous, at 11:05 AM  

you were the most fun dance partner ever sorry I sweat all over everyone
Capt'n as usual look around you was sorta great sorta G R O S S and a nice wrap up with the kids-on-a-stick on the gameshow I love when kids look like someone just gave them acid
I'm calling you 50 times about july/august/sept.
I love you the most

By Anonymous Anonymous, at 2:29 PM  

GREE C! No, you were theeee best dance partner! I pretty much gave up after you left, with the exception of a hilarious chair dancing session with Corny. We were too tired to actually move our legs, so someone rolled us around on the dance floor as we moved are arms.

We must do it again soon.

By Anonymous Anonymous, at 8:41 PM  

OOPS! I mean OUR arms. I am slowly getting worse with the writing tonight.

By Anonymous Anonymous, at 8:44 PM  

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