Sunday, March 12, 2006


WHOH! 20-30 foot waves in Baja Norte?!?

Dick met Mountain Man and Mr. The Mountain Man! Mountain Man is hurly burly, just like you'd imagine. Oh Yes, and Corny too, though mostly that was grinning at each other and nodding over the bumpin bass whereas me and Mountain got to yell a few words mostly about the Cap'n at each other so I feel we know each other better. Bitches can dance up here in the New York City okay? that dance floor was all fargotty praying mantis limbs flying and titties flappin. just a heads-up to you SD daggs. (especially the small Santee butch that terrorized me last year with your aggressive booty freak under your long perm and backwards white baseball cap you know who you are.) Back to the floor report: Certain residents (we call them residents and not patients bc its more empowering) of the Gaylord cleaved the floor with bold interpretive episodes while her man all but broke out with some breakin'. Certain poets we know were working the floor and macking hard -- dags, fags anything girly. And certain Grees we know danced herself into a coma and had to be revived by a manic titty carwash. The Mrs. showed her appreciation here and there by pointing a flared nostril and a shimmy here and there. mostly she just wobbled in place. sometimes she would catch her own wistful longing for the Cap'n or the Monkey mirrored in the eye of a Gree or a MM or a Corn... Shredders need to work their ways out here asap and for reals. come on now.
do the required research Capn, just don't let me find any pannies between the couch cushions when I get home... or in the car door either. maybe you better have Lt.Monkey chaperone. that shit is scary.
I know this is hard time for the Capt'n and Mrs. the Capt'n during their Kinsey 4 and higher ladies of the world research, primarily because daggers gonna get all up on the jock when they think they can get their perm in the general vicinity of Mr. Blue and Capt'n.

Daggers, let them do their work in peace!
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Dick met Mountain Man and Mr. The Mountain Man! Mountain Man is hurly burly, just like you'd imagine. Oh Yes, and Corny too, though mostly that was grinning at each other and nodding over the bumpin bass whereas me and Mountain got to yell a few words mostly about the Cap'n at each other so I feel we know each other better. Bitches can dance up here in the New York City okay? that dance floor was all fargotty praying mantis limbs flying and titties flappin. just a heads-up to you SD daggs. (especially the small Santee butch that terrorized me last year with your aggressive booty freak under your long perm and backwards white baseball cap you know who you are.) Back to the floor report: Certain residents (we call them residents and not patients bc its more empowering) of the Gaylord cleaved the floor with bold interpretive episodes while her man all but broke out with some breakin'. Certain poets we know were working the floor and macking hard -- dags, fags anything girly. And certain Grees we know danced herself into a coma and had to be revived by a manic titty carwash. The Mrs. showed her appreciation here and there by pointing a flared nostril and a shimmy here and there. mostly she just wobbled in place. sometimes she would catch her own wistful longing for the Cap'n or the Monkey mirrored in the eye of a Gree or a MM or a Corn... Shredders need to work their ways out here asap and for reals. come on now.

By Blogger Juliana Snapper, at 6:28 AM  

do the required research Capn, just don't let me find any pannies between the couch cushions when I get home... or in the car door either. maybe you better have Lt.Monkey chaperone. that shit is scary.

By Blogger Juliana Snapper, at 9:49 AM  

I know this is hard time for the Capt'n and Mrs. the Capt'n during their Kinsey 4 and higher ladies of the world research, primarily because daggers gonna get all up on the jock when they think they can get their perm in the general vicinity of Mr. Blue and Capt'n.

Daggers, let them do their work in peace!

By Blogger ZS, at 6:12 AM  

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