Wednesday, March 01, 2006


stalker notes

Poor Sea Monkee got a stalker note recently.
Stalker notes are quite different than exciting flirt notes in that stalker notes are creepy and give us the scary feelings.
Don't worry Sea Monkee, we'll protect you.
My stalker note freaked me out, too. I went to my car one day and there was a little drawing of a person's legs and torso wearing nothing but underpants. The note said something like, "I think you're cute. I want to see you in your pannies." And there was a pair of panties stuffed between the side mirror and door.

Maybe I also get completely turned on when I feel the effectiveness of a good gaze. sometimes when you get a just-okay gaze thats not fully effective its a bummer and only gets one partially turned on. and plus when life only partially happens.
Seamonkey gives good gaze. sometimes when SM is staring at catfood with her back turned to me i feel the gaze ricochet right off that can and into my queezy soul spot and I know what she's trying to say in her avoiding-my-eyes-and-walking-quickly-away kind of way is that she loves me and want to go on a date.
But really, woah.

I kind of had a stalker once but her hand writing didn't look like Charles Manson. she wrote me letters for a year or so then lost interest. her name was marcie, or marcy. Your just doomed with a name like that.
ps. what is that horrible image of?
Capt'n is it true that you're comming to NYC?!?! will you be here on the 10th for our Ridykeulous release foam-party and orgy? My email is iffn you and Gree C. want to come over on sunday night for tv dinner. Or something
Just got home from the werkplats and look at all these funny comments!
Yeah, whoa about the stalker note and the picture on it and even the Manson handwriting. Scary feelings.
Corny, wow thank you for the invites. I am indeed coming there tomorrow morgen. I'ma email you-
Sea Monkee this is totally yuck, a stalker note, replete with grammatical errors, so uncool, so unsea-like. Please I beg the swallows with a spell to remove this purple penciled menace from your life.

Capt'n. If you are coming here, I may get the opportune golden sunshine chance to meet you. If you are at Ridykeulous, I will be there too, in the same room. How woah, how exciting!
Dear Mountain Man,
I just wrote you a whole long comment on your blog and it doesn't seem to be showing up! I am danging.
I'll check back again soon....too lazy to re-write....well ok...I'm here at Gree C's in brooklyn and sadly i won't be here next weekend for the ridykulous thingy, although The mrs. will be, so maybe you'll see her there-?
i would have been totally excited to meet you and corny both, but oh well...
i was also asking you about your upcoming show that i thought i read something about. might it be happening the first weekend in april, when i come back here? I do hope so.
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Maybe I also get completely turned on when I feel the effectiveness of a good gaze. sometimes when you get a just-okay gaze thats not fully effective its a bummer and only gets one partially turned on. and plus when life only partially happens.

By Blogger Juliana Snapper, at 10:47 AM  

Seamonkey gives good gaze. sometimes when SM is staring at catfood with her back turned to me i feel the gaze ricochet right off that can and into my queezy soul spot and I know what she's trying to say in her avoiding-my-eyes-and-walking-quickly-away kind of way is that she loves me and want to go on a date.

By Blogger Corny, at 11:13 AM  

But really, woah.

I kind of had a stalker once but her hand writing didn't look like Charles Manson. she wrote me letters for a year or so then lost interest. her name was marcie, or marcy. Your just doomed with a name like that.

By Blogger Corny, at 11:18 AM  

ps. what is that horrible image of?

By Blogger Corny, at 11:19 AM  

Capt'n is it true that you're comming to NYC?!?! will you be here on the 10th for our Ridykeulous release foam-party and orgy? My email is iffn you and Gree C. want to come over on sunday night for tv dinner. Or something

By Blogger Corny, at 11:31 AM  

Just got home from the werkplats and look at all these funny comments!
Yeah, whoa about the stalker note and the picture on it and even the Manson handwriting. Scary feelings.
Corny, wow thank you for the invites. I am indeed coming there tomorrow morgen. I'ma email you-

By Blogger The Capt'n, at 6:24 PM  

Sea Monkee this is totally yuck, a stalker note, replete with grammatical errors, so uncool, so unsea-like. Please I beg the swallows with a spell to remove this purple penciled menace from your life.

Capt'n. If you are coming here, I may get the opportune golden sunshine chance to meet you. If you are at Ridykeulous, I will be there too, in the same room. How woah, how exciting!

By Anonymous Anonymous, at 11:39 PM  

Dear Mountain Man,
I just wrote you a whole long comment on your blog and it doesn't seem to be showing up! I am danging.
I'll check back again soon....too lazy to re-write....well ok...I'm here at Gree C's in brooklyn and sadly i won't be here next weekend for the ridykulous thingy, although The mrs. will be, so maybe you'll see her there-?
i would have been totally excited to meet you and corny both, but oh well...
i was also asking you about your upcoming show that i thought i read something about. might it be happening the first weekend in april, when i come back here? I do hope so.

By Blogger The Capt'n, at 7:09 AM  

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