Monday, February 13, 2006


Capt'n's Log

Subject: Vacation

Many things to report. By 9:00 AM Mrs. The Capt'n had already returned from the Y and the store. The early pump and steam, then treats were procured, brekfasses were had. The conversation turned to Death and Loss for a time, then circled back to Comedia.
"Lady Comedy, she is a mysterious mistress! You never know when she'll call. One day she'll come knocking, and you'll happen to tell her you're busy, and she may never come back again!" -Maury Meeks, Team Social Scientist and Bitter Hag
Then tarot readings all around. The tarot, she never lies.

The Team is currently hosting the chil'rens from San Francisco, Sheana and Jen.

Aren't they cute?
Don't you just want to squeeze their little faces?

Sea Monkey and The Capt'n, unlike Mrs. The Capt'n, are postponing today's chores to spend quality time with the chil'rens on the beach. It's not every day we get this oppurtunity to blow off our responsibilities to be with out of towners. Usually we have to be saddled with guilt over blowing things of for lesser reasons.
The visiting auxilliary Team Chil'rens had a tiny scare yesterday on the beach after the Capt'n went in the water "just for a little while," and didn't come out till after darkness fell. It's just that The Capt'n got caught in a tiny vortex and could'nt seem to find a friendly wave to ride in on, as the sun went down quickly. The Chil'rens aren't used to the casual ways of the Team. Sheana worried about how upset The Mrs. would be when they had to tell her that The Capt'n just never came back. The Capt'n registered her Official Apology to the Auxilliary Team.

Today's goals:
1) The Team must strive to get out the house by 2:00 in order to get to the beach in time for the chil'renses to do their barbeque situation, before they have to drive to LA tonight.
2) Can Sea Monkey and The Capt'n get mad rides?
3) Will Invasion be a rerun or will they show a new one tonight?

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