Tuesday, December 13, 2005


Self-Haters take note

Gree C. Hair has recently brought it to my attention that Nico was a notorious anti-Semite.
Now, I know that I live in a sunny little seaside cave of partial oblivion, but dang already with the revelations of secret society haters clubs. And by this I mean that when I moved to San Diego, I started meeting for the first time (that I was aware of) these "groovy Republicans." Southern California types who are nice, friendly, maybe even socially pretty liberal (to an extent,) but then I'm shocked to find out they habitually vote for some fascist dingbat or another because "they were just raised that way," or deep down they have some irrational phobia of living so close to the border, or they consider themselves "fiscal conservatives," and think they'll save on taxes this way, or perhaps they support gay marriage and they were sad for 2 weeks about New Orleans, yet they can't stand to see their taxes spent on helping poor people here but are ok with spending 1,000 times more to kill innocent Iraqi's, or maybe they don't like Bush and the war so much but they LOVED Reagan and they miss him so much, boy those were the days, and you know Lincoln was a Republican (this one's my favorite) and look what he did for the slaves. You know, back when the 2 parties were kind of reversed, but don't tell groovy republicans that, it'll burst their bubble.
Don't get me started, Nico!
Don't remind me that I, too, am a hater! Though more than hating the hater, I hate the hate, since I see it's in me, too, as a human. I find it simultaneously comforting and threatening to read about the Buddhists who go on those meditation retreats to places like Auschwicz and meditate on the fact that that kind of thing is in all of us, that to varying degrees everybody is both potential victim AND perpetrator. Actually, no, I don't find it simultaneously comforting and threatening, I find it to be a tremendous relief, because it disrupts my unconscious master narrative of feeling separate from and better than other people, and it helps me to start to understand, and what's more fucking healing than that?

Thanks Mary, love ya man, takes one to know one.
Hi there! I really love this art and have been trying to figure out where it's from. I found this and another similar piece linked on this blog so I'm hoping you have more info on where they're from hopefully? If so, please let me know!
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Thanks Mary, love ya man, takes one to know one.

By Blogger The Capt'n, at 7:24 AM  

Hi there! I really love this art and have been trying to figure out where it's from. I found this and another similar piece linked on this blog so I'm hoping you have more info on where they're from hopefully? If so, please let me know!

By Blogger Pepstar, at 11:28 AM  

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