Thursday, December 29, 2005


"Bored" games

Girl, Team Shredder is getting grum-py. We haven't been surfing, not because we suck or anything, though that doesn't help, but mostly it's because these swells that are coming in every other day are just too much for us. You know what I'm "spraying?" It's like we've been "foiled" by mother nature, and we can't fool her, it's not nice! Fool here tried to go out and fool her yesterday, nonetheless, thinking this was my one chance in YET ANOTHER week, yesterday being a slight lull in consecutive swells and it only getting to a few feet overhead, as opposed to the usual double, triple, and occaisional quadruple-overhead as of late. But even though it was what I considered a "lull," it still turned out to be a mess once I got out there. Good one, Capt'n. I didn't grow up in Hawaii, what do I know about this shit? It always looks easier from the parking lot. But then it suddenly got all windy and choppy and ripped up like in a washing machine, so I basically paddled against the current for an hour, yeah good times, missed a bunch of waves, got smacked around like an ant in a flushing toilet, and rode in on the sad bumpy whitewater. Champion!
Thus you can only imagine my delight, dear reader, when Sea Monkey showed up last night at the Capt'n's quaters with Foil the board game in hand. Foil, a challenging game of words and wits. What's she trying to tell me? Anyway, now I have something to do with my life, since being a surfer, not to mention an artist, seems too hard right now. Juice boxes for everyone.

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