Friday, September 29, 2006


More pictures from Turkey

Another person would have been over it by now, but not me. Another person would have "moved on" to more "pressing" matters, like working on their 2005 taxes that they got an extension for & that are now due any second. Or even washing the dishes.
But I find looking at pictures from Cappadocia much more interesting. It's this beautiful region in south central Anatolia that has insane soft rock formations from erosion, where people started carving elaborate caves at least 5,000 years ago. And they still live in the dang things today!

The first town we got to was Urgup. This was the public parking lot.

This was across the street from the parking lot.-->

Gree c liked the graphics on this electrical box.

Danger! --->

<-- This was in Uchisar. They call it The Castle.

A closeup of the Castle. We were like, whoa, and then we had to have dinner and a drink at a place overlooking it, just to process it all. -->

<--Our favorite little town, Goreme.

Here's part of an insane looking valley filled with elaborate, interconnected cave churches, dining halls, all kinds of stuff, and living quaters.
A bunch of the early Christians used to hide out here. -->

<---We tended to like the iconoclast stuff the best. This image is what we call "The Chicken Roach." Does it represent the Debbil?

Here is St. Onuphrius, the bearded lady saint, after whom San Diego's famous surf spot San Onofre is named. S/he is also the patron saint of Mountain Man I'm told. -->

<-- Ooh look, it's gree c's cute lil' cave room where we stayed.

Gree c's view out her cute lil' cave window. -->

Here is a valley of "fairy chimneys," as they are called. I think saint Simon and his friends lived in the monk towers up in there.

<--This is Weenus Valley. It is about 2 inches from where we stayed in our cute lil' cave room. Well it was more of a cave suite, actually.

Another angle of Valley of the Weenus. --->

<--- This was on the road up from our place, the road that led to the overview of aforementioned Weenis Valley. It is a circular room with a giant grinding wheel in the middle, with a wooden thing to attach to the donkey or people who would walk around and around.

On our way out of the region we stopped back in Urgup to this Hamam to get a "Turkish bath." Somebody was very crusty and dusty. -->

Wednesday, September 27, 2006



This is Tourmalina, as drawn by Mrs. The Capt'n.

She is my other lady friend.
The Mrs. and I, we have an understanding.

Every day, I go to Tourmaline. She breaks so curvy and sweet, how can resist her?

Monday, September 25, 2006


Bon Voyage, pd-san!

Saturday, September 23, 2006


Capt'n's Log

Subject: back-to-back killer southwest swells

Object: can we handle the truth?

How much is too much?
At what price glory?
My injuries this week:
1) a slightly re-sprained shoulder
2) slightly blurry vision in one eye, slight headaches, and a slightly bruised lip

My injuries last week:
1) a broken heart because gree c and Angela had to go back home

Last week we had a truly beautiful SW swell that gave us very big, elegant, sweeping, scary-looking yet friendly waves. I think I turned a corner and now I have actual moments of feeling like a real surfer. It may have happened sometime after getting about 50,000 very late takeoffs on giant-ass way overhead waves and tearing down the line at approximately the speed of sound. Like day after day. And then doing better turns, and making my way closer to the nose. By making my way I mean awkwardly shuffling, not elegantly cross-stepping, but whatever, I got to like a foot shy of the tip. Fuck right. Something about last week's swell really made sense to me. Everything came together and finally I just understood.
Wavemaster gree c, who grew up bodysurfing on Long Island, showed her skill and finesse and got some of her best rides ever, she said. Homey has the mad wave knowledge due to her many years on the Island. When she wasn't busy being a Shabbes goy and shutting the lights for the neighbors, she was probably out getting the long waves with her gay father, Bill, whose entire head of hair would be flipped forward after coming off a wave, and who would talk about that last one taking him all the way to the parking lot.
Angela Dufresne turned out to be a sniper of the surfing world. After having been out maybe 10 times in the choppy, brutal New York nasty surf, homegirl was paddling way, way outside with me and fucking charging 4-6 foot waves. Homes was up in there figuring shit out really fast, but finally when she angled in perfectly to the perfect wave and was starting to pop up, some fuckin' choad came out of nowhere and utterly cut her off. I hate the clueless choads. But it was funny when she yelled, "You bastard, you cock blocked me!!"
It was ok that they left San Diego and broke my heart, because a couple days later The Mrs. and I went up to LA for Angela's opening of her excellent show at the Hammer museum, which was a fucking blast. We even saw Orlan there, as well as Shane and Alice of The L Word. Well, we didn't actually SEE Shane and Alice, though I think I saw Alice's derrier walking away.

This week's new southwest swell seems a little meaner and harder to read. There is more northwest in it so set waves are coming in from different directions--whoa--and some of the bigger waves are breaking harder and faster. Plus we have been getting surprise, rogue waves that are huge, glorious looking, and great if you catch them, but a little brutal if you don't. I got caught inside this one harsh bulldozer, which although it broke before it got to me, was so powerful that it made this little explosion of heavy-duty whitewater that plowed me so hard, girl, that I hurt my shoulder trying to control my board in it. My second injury was much more eye of the tiger, though. I was all excited because I made one of those late, steep drops on a killer big wave, and I shot down the line pretty fast. The wall started to lift up steeper, and I got even more excited because I thought maybe, just maybe it would form a barrel. So I went for it. But really I should have acted like a mature person and kicked out, or turned up and over the lip, and let it crash behind me. Because in that next half-second I saw that big ass wall, aka freight train, turn on me and start to close out. It was like 2 feet over my head, and starting to come down fast, steeply, and I was in an awkward position where I couldn't turn or even dive over the top, or down, and that's when the thing smacked me literally upside the head. It hadn't crumbled yet, it was huge and glassy and heavy and it cleanly popped me right in the eye and the side of me face, hard. I closed my eye and when it hit I saw a bright light inside my left eye.
*Note to self*
with the giant winter waves coming soon, it might be a good idea to not attempt some of the crazier, riskier manuvers that you can only get away with in the gentle summer surf.

Friday, September 22, 2006


Thank You, Cheryl and Peggy

for the awesome organic champagne and truffles. Whoa, Divas.

Thursday, September 21, 2006


My Special Day...Is Finally Here

It seemed so far...but now it's near


WHY...can't it last...?
My Special Day.....
will soon....

Tuesday, September 19, 2006


Trying on new shirts

You know how when you go on a big trip to another country and you have these amazing experiences and it makes you see everything from a whole new perspective and you rethink things like your wardrobe?

*photo credit: Gandi

Saturday, September 16, 2006


Tonight, two shows: Angela Dufresne and Ron Athey

Angela Dufresne
UCLA Hammer Museum
July 29 - October 29, 2006

Angela Dufresne's large canvases depict imaginary landscapes populated by strange modernist structures. Dufresne's brushstrokes, painted with a loose, frenetic energy, add to the sense of alienation and anxiety her compositions produce, yet they also translate the forward-looking idealism espoused by modernist architects like Le Corbusier or Frank Lloyd Wright. She presents utopias gone awry in color schemes that range from vivid acidic hues to more natural earthy tones.

Read more about it here

Angela Dufresne
Detail of The Double Decker Random Play Residence T3000 Barkley by Roland Mutantes somewhere in Would be Bavaria June 2006


Oil on canvas.
Courtesy of Monya Rowe Gallery, New York

Video Stills
Set Pieces From An Opera

September 16 - October 28, 2006

Saturday September 16th, 5-8 p.m.

Western Project is pleased to present the first solo exhibition by Ron Athey. As one of the most important performance artists in the last twenty years, his work has influenced a generation of younger artists. Athey nose-dives into subjects and content which are visceral, challenging and difficult – the corporeal flesh, its possibilities and the knowledge it can reveal. His work can be traced from the historic lineage of Herman Nitsch, the Vienna Action Group, Leigh Bowery and Amy Semple McPherson.

Read more about it here

Friday, September 15, 2006


This one's for PD

Remember, "safety first!"

Thursday, September 14, 2006


Finally! The Proof That Sea Monkey Has Been Searching For

That's right. Somewhere in a little town called Goreme, in the region of Cappadocia, in South Central Anatolia, Turkey, we found the UFO MUSEUM.

The back side of this sign says, "We are not alone in universe."


This reads: Major Donald Keyhoe on CBS TV in January 1958, when he was cut off the air in the middle of making a statement testifying that "UFOs are real machines under intelligent control." (CBS)

Crop Circles. Need I say more?

This article talked about how Aliens aided the Chechen Rebels in their fight against the Russians.
Which deffinitely happened.

Ever curious, our neighbors in space perform a medical examination on a naked human lady. Hott stuff.

A model of a dead Alien. The autopsy was performed by Japanese scientists, circa 1972.

Tuesday, September 12, 2006


Team Shredder Book of the Month Club

Dear Professor Liebegott,
May we suggest that you include this book on your Fall Quater reading list?
It comes with a study guide titled Reimagining Gender 40+ Years After the French New Wave. Both are available at a discount from The Gaylord Rehabilitation Center's Book Club.

Saturday, September 09, 2006


Istanbul Report: Day 1

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